CCHC Website How-To. . .
We hope you enjoy the new site. The only thing that may need some explanation is the new calendaring system. You will notice the link on each teams home page for their calendar. This calendar is specific to each team and is maintained by the team manager. Managers try to keep these up to date as possible. If you ever have any concerns regarding the accuracy of the calendar you will need to contact your manager directly.
We are using the Google calendar system for managing all events and as a result, if you use a Google calendar you may import them to your personal calendars.
As always we will do our best to make the calendars accurate. But, as happens from time to time there may be last minute additions or cancellations of games or practices. Make sure to check the calendar regularly and when there is any doubt, consult your manager directly.
If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line: Site Maintenance