Special events CCHC has been involved in...
Occasionally the CCHC is lucky to participite in some special events. Whether it is a one of a kind opportunity or an annual tradition, something special happens around CCHC and the game of hockey.
CCHC started 2010 in a meaningful way. Thanks to the all the volunteers involved, parents and players alike and to the event organizer Jeff Cool, CCHC was able to sponsor 93 blood donations during a new years blood drive held at the Palisades Mall ice rink. We had originally set a goal of 50-60 donations and that goal was blown out by the hockey community at large. We hope to be able to make this an annual event. Blood donations are typically low during this time of year and we look forward to helping solve that problem. See you there in 2011.
The 2006 sled hockey event held at home ice with the NJ Devils Youth Hockey Sled Team was unforgettable. Many of our players got to experience first hand the dedication and determination that these disabled athletes possess. This was such an educational and inspirational event for our healthy able-bodied players (not to mention great fun). We anticipate holding at least one of these events annually so stay tuned for announcements on upcoming sled games.
The 2007 Lake Placid Tournament was another recent memorable event for the players. CCHC sent 5 teams from different divisions to the historical former two time Olympic host city in January and four of them came home with medals. PeeWee and Squirt A took gold, Squirt B took silver and Mite B took bronze. Come check out the banners hanging at home ice. Not only were the kids successful, they received quite an interactive history lesson. All were able to play at least one game in both the '32 rink and the '80 "Miracle" rink. They also played shinny games on the historic speed skating oval and many went to visit the bob-sled and long jump facilities.
The 2006-2007 season started with a real bang in the fund raising area. CCHC is a not-for-profit organization, we don't pay the coaches, no one takes a salary and tuition is the lowest of any travel team in the area. Volunteering is the key ingredient to making the Capitals a tight, family oriented place to play and the fundraising efforts of each team help to ensure that costs stay low. In August 2006 fund raisers from 4 different teams collaborated on a "Tricky-Tray" auction event and raised in excess of $8,000. It was a tremendous event and you can be sure we're going to do it again in 2007. Keep an eye on the schedule for details.