Headline News Archive. . .
Congratulations to our Mite and Squirt A teams: This past weekend our Mite and Squirt A teams traveled to DC for the Congressional Cup tournament. The seasons hard work and team play is paying off because these guys came home with the 1st place hardware. Great job kids.
CCHC Family News: On behalf of the CCHC family we would like to express our sympathies to the Carroll family. Joseph Robert Carroll (1919-2010) passed away the morning of Dec 30th. He was the patriarch of the Carroll family, the father of 11 children, a beachmaster at Normandy and writer and editor at the New Yorker magazine. Services will be held at Higgins Funeral Home in New City on 1/7 between 5-9PM.
CCHC and "People to People" news:
On behalf of the Clarkstown Capitals and People to People I want to thank you all for the bottom of my heart for your generosity and kindness during this holiday season. You all should be very proud that you helped 5 families have a very nice Christmas this year. I believe in paying it forward and may all your kindness come back to you! I would like to personally thank my good friends Lucille and Rob and their family who helped us fulfill the wishes of these 5 families. They are not part of the organization but when they heard what we were doing they immediately offered to help fill in any needed items...Thank you guys! Happy Holidays! Aileen Carroll
CCHC tournament results: Congratulations to our Mite, Squirt A and Bantam A teams for placing second in their divisions at the 2010 Thanksgiving Hockey Classic in Newark Deleware this weekend. Well done teams, enjoy your hardware.
CCHC acknowledges its outstanding coaching staff: We now have 8 USAH "Level 4" coaches.
The CCHC board of directors would like to acknowledge our coaching staff for their commitment and dedication to the players and the Capital families. For any of you that are not aware, the on-ice staff here at CCHC like all our staff are volunteers. They often have a thankless job but in reality perform our heavy lifting, sometimes four times a week.
We would also like to point out that as of this season CCHC has 8 of its 21 on-ice staff certified through USA Hockey at “Level 4”. All of our coaches are certified by USA Hockey but these L4 coaches have gone above and beyond in their efforts to provide their players with the best hockey education possible. Level 4 is not a requirement for them.
So to all our coaches, from the CCHC family, thank you. Keep up the great work.
CCHC adds two new members to its Hall of Fame: Best wishes and congratulations to Mickey Carroll and Becky Heim. Both Micky and Becky enjoyed a long playing career with CCHC and are now playing in college. Becky with Utica College in NY and Mickey with Framingham State in MA.
CCHC has most successful season ever: Congratulations to all CCHC coaches, players and families. We have had a remarkable 2009-2010 season. A special thanks to our competitors in the HVHL as well for providing a season of excellent competition. There were some very tight points races that went to the wire.
In short, all eligible CCHC teams have advanced to the HVHL playoffs and to the NYSAHA state tournament. That is, all 5 CCHC teams are in HVHL playoffs and all 3 "A" teams are going to "states". Great job Caps! Below is our HVHL season summary. Good luck in playoffs everyone, stay tuned.
- Mite A = 3rd
- Squirt B = 3rd
- Squirt A = 1st
- PeeWee A = 1st
- Bantam A = 2nd
CCHC apparel store is now open: Our CCHC apparel team have arranged for an online store this season. You are now able to order and pay online and your items will be shipped directly to you. The store is open from 8PM 11/18 thru 12/1 only. Your orders will be received in time for the holidays. Order HERE.
CCHC sixth annual tricky-tray completed: Thanks to all the volunteers and to all CCHC families and everyone that attendend and supported the tricky-tray this season. With all the help and excellent prize donations we have had our second best result ever as far as total funds raised. Great job everyone.
CCHC annual organizational meeting: Is to be held at the meeting rooms outside the rink on September 8th at 6pm. Attendance is mandatory. Your tuition balance must be paid at the meeting prior to players receiving their uniforms.
CCHC announces 2010-2011 tryouts: Tryouts are now over. If you are a parent or player looking for a spot to play, please call our Hockey Hotline at 845-639-0855.
Optimal Performance Training - summer camp: Organized by coach Ed for all CCHC players that want to gain the extra edge, details are here on the flyer.
CCHC announces 2010-2011 spring clinics: Our spring clinics are for all Caps and are open to the public. All details and registration information are here on the (updated) flyer.
CCHC announces 2010-2011 rosters: Congratulations to the Mighty Mites, Mites, Squirt A, Squirt B, PeeWee A and Bantam A players. Your rosters are now posted on your team sites. Commitments must be made per the instructions at the bottom of the rosters.
CCHC announces 2010-2011 tryouts: Tryout flyer here, registration form here and find out what to expect at tryouts here.
CCHC year-end awards dinner announced: Our dinner will be held at Casa Mia in Blauvelt on March 25th at 6:30pm.
Annual Red Bandanna Skate announced: See the flyer for details.
The Welles Remy Crowther Red Bandanna Skate is an ice hockey game held as an annual tribute to Welles Crowther a 9/11 hero. The game is designed to bring some of Welles’ former teammates and special guests of all skill levels together to play a charity hockey game in remembrance of Welles, have fun and raise funds for the Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust.
Welles Crowther was a 1995 graduate of Nyack High School and a varsity lacrosse, soccer, and hockey player and captain for the Indians. He was also a 1999 graduate of Boston College and a varsity lacrosse player for the Eagles. Welles Crowther traded equities for Sandler O’Neill at the World Trade Center. Welles was also a member of the Empire Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, in Upper Nyack, New York. On September 11 when the attacks on the World Trade Center began, Welles was no longer an equities trader. He became a firefighter. Months after September 11, Welles’ heroic acts came to light. Welles Crowther used the last hour of his life to save others. Welles used his red bandanna, one which he always carried in his back pocket, to cover his nose and mouth as protection against smoke and debris while he directed others to safety.
The Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust was established by the Crowther family to honor their son’s memory through good works benefiting young people. The Trust recognizes young people who serve their communities through annual gifts and special awards and also supports nonprofit organizations. To learn more about Welles’ story and the works of the Trust please visit www.crowthertrust.org.
CCHC family news: As many of you know, Carol's mom recently passed away. On behalf of thier family, Micky and Carol would like to thank everyone for their prayers and concern over the past week.
CCHC PeeWee A's are champs of the Hershey Tournament: Congratulations players and coaches. Pics can be seen from the PeeWee A page.
CCHC at the Congressional Cup: We had 4 teams in DC this past weekend. Mites went 2-2-1 and finished in 2nd place. Squirt B's and A's both finished 1-2-1, and the PeeWee A's took home the win. Congratulations to all the players and families. The kids got an extrat treat this weekend too, they got the see the BIG KIDS play. Game pictures can be seen on each teams page thanks to all our volunteer photographers.
CCHC 2009-2010 community service project - Blood Drive (UPDATED 12-24-09!):
CCHC will be hosting the New York Blood Center and sponsoring a blood drive in January. This is the time of year that the blood supplies are at their lowest and gives us the opportunity to have a big impact our local area hospitals. Besides the direct help we are providing to our community, the kids that participate are learning great lessons about being good citizens. The event flyer can be found HERECCHC Blood Drive makes the news. Check out the local coverage by WPIX and by LoHud.com.
The CCHC first blood drive will take place January 2, 2010 from 9:00 am till 3:00 PM in the Adler room outside the rink. Jeff Cool from the Squirt and PeeWee teams has organized this event and will coordinate all volunteering efforts. Jeff will need some help coordinating this and will need a number volunteers the day of the drive. We will need coaches, managers, players, parents and extended family and friends to make this a success. We hope to get 50-60 units of blood donated . Blood is at a critical low point during this time of year and we must do our best to spread the word and get donors. If you know of anyone who would like to help , please tell them to contact Jeff Cool. We will need coaches and managers to talk this up with their players to get them involved. Please contact Jeff with any questions and thank you for getting behind this blood drive. Please contact Jeff as soon as possible: Jeff Cool
CCHC 2009-2010 community service project - Project Joy (UPDATED!):
CCHC volunteering was again able to assist in the success of Project Joy. The following are some comments from the volunteers we had working this past weekend.
"I just want to thank all of you who participated in Project Joy. Because of your overwhelming generosity we were able to sponsor two additional families. The Clarkstown Capitals have made a difference once again in three families this year at the holidays. Not only will the children be happy but so will the parents! Thank you from the bottom of my heart you are all such wonderful people to be associated with."
"In addition the the generocity of the CAPs families, we had 8 players give at least 4 hours each (and some as many as 10 hours) of their time to help in wrapping the gifts for the needy families that the People to Pleople organization assist.... It truly is a beautiful sight seeing a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds give up their Saturday to help the needy....We're doing something right in raising our kids and players when they freely volunteer for events like these."
CCHC Website update: New concussion information added to Parent Education page and Coaches Corner.
CCHC - Our 5th annual "Tricky-Tray" completed: Great job everyone. The CCHC volunteers and participants once again made a huge success of the Tricky Tray event. Thanks to everyone involved for your help and generosity. If anyone has any pics please send them to me and I will post them here.
Hope and Heroes event pictures now available: HERE.
CCHC fan of the week pic: Anyone with an interesting CCHC related fan pic can submit them to me to have them featured here on the CCHC main page.
CCHC 2009-2010 Try-outs are now over: Positions available at all levels. Please call our Hockey Hotline at 845-639-0855 for more information.
CCHC - Our 5th annual "Tricky-Tray" announced: Friday September 25th 6:00PM in the Adler room outside the rink. As always, the success of the event will depend on attendance. Everyone is invited. Please come and bring your friends family and neighbors. See you there.
CCHC News for 2009/10: HS schedule accommodations and goalie training:
1. CCHC will be offering all goalies the opportunity to attend professional extracurricular training included in the cost of the regular tuition. The details are are being finalized and will be announced soon. 2. For all Midget players, CCHC will be modifying the regular season schedule by playing as many league games as possible prior to the start of the HS season. We will be reducing the practice/game schedule during the HS season as well in order to accommodate the obligations players have to their HS.
CCHC - Organizational meeting announced: Mandatory for all parents and players, Sep. 9th 6:00PM at the rink.
CCHC Mites are champions: Congratulations to the CCHC Mites. They
defeat the Saints in the final game 9-7 and bring home the 2009 March Madness at Sport-O-Rama trophy.
5 CCHC teams in 2009 HVHL playoffs: Great job Capitals!
* Mite A 4th * PeeWee B1 4th * PeeWee A 1st *** State bound to Olean NY in March *** * Midget Minor 3rd * Midget Major 4th
CCHC alumni in the news: Vinny Linguanti remembered.

Members of the New Jersey Devils Alumni Hockey Team and former NHL players joined forces against Don Bosco Prep's Alumni Hockey Team in a benefit game on Sunday, February 8, to raise funds for a special scholarship at the school. The Vincent Linguanti Memorial Scholarship was named for a student volunteer firefighter, who died unexpectedly in 2006. Vincent was a member of the Don Bosco Prep Hockey Team and would have graduated in 2008.
CCHC alumni in the news: Way to go Becky! full story HERE and a video HERE.
CCHC team up with Hope and Heroes Cancer Fund: Look HERE. for details.
In the past the CCHC has had the privilege of participating in some very special events. This year brings another opportunity for our kids to get involved with their peers in a way that is not often available. Hope and Heroes Children's Cancer Fund has approached the Capitals and invited us to participate in a fund raising event taking place at the Palisades Center Ice Rink on April 25th from 7PM-9PM. All Squirt, PeeWee and Bantam aged players will take place in 2 hours worth of on-ice exhibition games. Our participation is key in helping Hope and Heroes to raise money through the event, however there is no cost associated with participation. Hope and Heroes needs us to put on a show so lets help them make it a successful event and give the kids a chance to help others like them get healthy again. Of course no donations will be refused but they are not required. Take notice that Saturday April 25 is the CCHC commitment date following our week of tryouts, so most of us should be around that day. We look forward to seeing you all there.
For all players selected to a roster:
For selected players, commitment and first team practice will be held on Friday, April 24th for Mites and on Saturday, April 25th for Squirts through Midgets, at which time both player and parent must sign a contract and submit a non-refundable deposit of 50% of total tuition. On Commitment Day players will not be allowed to enter the ice until the contract is signed and payment is received. Additionally, any credits from essay scholarships or yearbook sales will be credited in September at the time your tuition balance becomes due.
CCHC Year-end dinner THIS WEEK: Our dinner will again be held at Terrace on the Hudson on March 25th. Details and directions on our calendar.
CCHC 2009-2010 Tuition scholarship essay contest: Instructions available HERE. There is only a week to submit so get them in ASAP. Good luck.
Former Saint Mary's hockey player among plane crash victims...
Feb. 13 2009 - Madeline Loftus, who played two seasons at both Buffalo State and St. Mary's (Minn.), was killed on Thursday evening while aboard Continental Airlines flight 3407 en route to Buffalo from Newark (N.J.), which crashed just prior to landing in Clarence Center, N.Y., a residential neighborhood just outside of Buffalo. She was 24.
Madeline "Maddy" Loftus was a friend to so many, including the Clarkstown Capitals. Over the last few years many of our CCHC players had the privilege of attending hockey camp with Maddy in Winona. we know that all of you who knew her will miss her.
CCHC in the HVHL playoffs: The suspension of all CCHC teams from HVHL league
championships has been revoked. All CCHC teams are now fully eligible to compete in the HVHL without restriction.
CCHC fan pic of the week:
The "C" Line
* PeeWee A New York State Champions * PeeWee A Northeast Regionals "Runner-Up". * Squirt A reach Final Four in New York State Tournament * Mites HVHL Champions (undefeated) * Squirt B HVHL Champions * Bantam A HVHL Runner Up * PeeWees winner of Congressional Cup in DC * Bantam B, Squirt A and Mites Runner Up in Congressional Cup in DC * Squirt B winner of Pittsburgh Cup

Clarkstown Capitals Crowned NY State Champions!!!
Saranac Lake, NY: This weekend, the Clarkstown Capitals, with its long history of annually qualifying teams for the NY State Tier III hockey tournament, returned home from the grueling three day tournament featuring NY States finest qualifying hockey teams as State Champions of the Pee Wee U-12 Division!! The Capitals went 4-1 overall and defeated host Lake Saranac in the semi-final and then avenged an earlier loss to Niagara by beating them 4-1 in the final to take the state title. As NY State Champion, the Capitals move on to the Tier III Northeast Regional U-12 Tournament held this year in East Hartford on March 21 -23 competing against 7 other state champions from Maine to Pennsylvania. I am so proud of how our kids played and responded to the bigger Upstate teams. They proved they can play with anyone and we cant wait for the opportunity to prove ourselves again at Regionals, said head coach Eddie Varmon.
In fact, the Capitals sent two teams this year to the big upstate dance with their Squirt team reaching the Final Four of their U-10 division tournament in Syracuse, NY. This marked the 7th consecutive year the Capitals organization, led by President Mickey Carroll, have had at least one team qualify for the NY States year-end showcase tournament. Over that span, 16 Capitals teams have reached States with their 2003 Bantam U-14 their other NY State Champion and runner up in the Northeast Regional.
We are very proud of the achievements of these two teams and the organization as whole. The hard work and determination of the players and their coaching staffs has really shined through, said Carroll. Our coaches are second to none and they really prepare the kids all season long with reaching the States as their final goal. Year over year they get the payers to achieve the goals they set for themselves with this year being just another example for their hard work!
The Clarkstown Capitals is a travel hockey organization with the Palisades Mall Rink as its home arena. The Capitals field teams at the Mite (5-8), Squirt (9-10), Pee Wee (11-12), Bantam (13-14), Midget Minor (15-16) and Midget Major (17-18) age levels. They will be holding tryouts for their '08-'09 season from April 7th -12th. For more information visit them on www.clarkstowncapitals.com or call 845.639.0855.
Tricky-Tray was a great success! Thanks again to all the volunteers and extended families and supporters. This was one of our best events ever. Keep up all the hard work and team spirit.
CCHC graduate moves on: Mickey Carroll a career Capital and recent Midget Major grad selects Framingham State. Congratulations Mickey and good luck!
Capitals take 2nd in 8 state NE Regional battle of champions!!! Click here for details.
Helmet recall notice!
December 5, 2008
Dear USA Hockey member,
Reebok has recalled a number of helmets that were shipped from their distribution center between June 1, 2008, and July 16, 2008. Please take a moment to read the note from Reebok below and also click on the link from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission with specifics as to exactly which helmets fall under the recall.
All questions regarding this matter should be directed to Reebok's customer service department at 1-800-451-4600.
The USA Hockey Team
December 4, 2008 (Montreal, QC) On December 2, the Consumer Product Safety Commission released a recall notice, in the United States, on a number of RBK and CCM hockey helmets. The recall pertains to an issue that first came to our attention during the summer. In July, we alerted all affected retailers of the possibility they had received some helmets that did not fully comply with a relevant chin strap standard. We discovered in our internal testing that a helmet component that did not fully meet our internal quality control standards had made it into a small quantity of finished goods. We knew that the potentially affected helmets shipped from our distribution center between the limited period of June 1, 2008, and July 16, 2008. Therefore, we initially only contacted those retailers that received shipments during that period. At that time we asked the retailers that were possibly affected to check their inventory and return to us any helmets that matched the serial number pattern described in the recall notice. This process enabled us to retrieve and repair a large percentage of the affected helmets.
Any consumer that has a helmet described by the CPSC recall notice should return to the store where they purchased the helmet. If the store had not been contacted by Reebok-CCM over the summer, it means that they did not receive any of the potentially affected helmets. If the retailer was part of the initial recall effort over the summer and the helmet has a serial number that matches those described by the recall notice, the helmet will be replaced free of charge.
We apologize for any inconvenience this recall may cause. The safety of our customers is our highest priority. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-451-4600 if you are located in the USA, or 1-800-636-5895 if you are located in Canada.
USA Hockey online registration: CCHC will be requiring all players to register with USA Hockey on their own. This has traditionally been done by our administrative staff in the past. However USA now offers this service online so we will be requiring all players or their parents to register on their own. Registration is a requirement of USA Hockey and players can not participate in CCHC activities until proof of registration has been received. Please visit the USA Hockey website to complete the registration process. Once you receive your confirmation number, that number must be supplied to CCHC. You may mail the confirmation page the the CCHC PO Box or you may email it to our registrar Ellis Gitlin.
CCHC is again pleased to endorse Tommy Gross and Pro Scout Hockey clinics: Tommy will be putting on a week long 15 hour summer clinic in late July. You can get more details and the clinic signup flyer here.
"Volunteers help out youth hockey" The following is from The Journal News pg. 4B February 23rd. 2008
The Clarkstown Capitals Hockey Club would like to thank all their volunteers who devote countless hours to the youth hockey players. However, New City residents Ellis Gitlin and Larry May have extended themselves far and above. Gitlin and May continue to give back to the community with tremendous passion and pride and are true role models to the Clarkstown families. Both were honored during USA Hockey's weekend celebration in February for Hockey Across America. The Capitals will also celebrate the Squirt and PeeWee teams who have earned a spot in the New York State - USA Hockey finals and six other teams in the Hudson Valley Hockey League playoffs.
Newest HVHL Champions Crowned! Mite B and Squirt B raise the banners! Congratulations to the Mite B team for going undefeated all season and winning the HVHL championship game today over the Scarsdale Raiders. Also, congratulations to the Squirt B team for winning the HVHL championship on Saturday night. Honorable mentions go the the Squirt A and Bantam A teams for placing Runner-Up in the HVHL finals. And don't forget to root for the Squirt A and PeeWee teams who will be representing the Capitals at the NYSAHA state finals next weekend. Good luck teams!
Capitals HVHL update : Congratulations to the Squirt B team for beating Bear Mountain in the semi-final on Sunday morning by a score of 4-2 to advance to the HVHL final game next week. The PeeWee's lost to the Mariners on Saturday morning. They played a strong third period but ran out of time to end up 4-5. Congratulations to the Mariners. Competition was great this year at the PeeWee level, with the 2nd and 4th place teams advancing to the HVHL final we had a league full of teams that could beat each other on any given weekend. The Caps and Bears will represent the HVHL at the NYSAHA state tournament next month.
Capitals HVHL update : Congratulations to the Squirt A and PeeWee teams for clinching a spot in the NYSAHA State Tournament. The PeeWee team won first place in the HVHL standings in a tie-breaker with the Polar Bears. Caps PeeWee's had 3 less goals against overall; Goalies get a nod on that one. The Squirt A team took third in the league with record of 16-3-3. CCHC also has an undefeated Mite team who have gone 13-0 so far and will be playing in the HVHL final next weekend, what a change for many of those players who may remember losing every game just 2 years ago. We also have a record setting year for CCHC here with 3 teams (Mite B, Squirt A, Bantam A) already making it to the HVHL final game. Good luck Squirt B's and good luck to the Mite B's as well, they will be traveling to VA. this weekend to play in the Congressional Cup Tournament .
"New Year" Tournament update: Congratulations to the Squirt B team for taking 1st place at the Three Rivers Cup in Pittsburgh PA winning the final over the Ontario based York Ducks Selects by a 2-1 score, and to the Squirt A for taking 2nd at the DC Congressional Cup. The Bantam B team also did great taking 2nd place at the DC Congressional Cup. The PeeWee team joins the Squirt Bs in bringing home the hardware by going 4 & 1 at the Congressional Cup and defeating the Ice Dogs in a hard fought and exciting 3-2 victory that came in the first overtime. Great job coaches and players, a great start to 2008.
Holiday Tournament update: Congratulations to the Squirt B team taking 2nd place in the Stamford CT tourney and to the Squirt A for taking 2nd at the Ice House tourney. The Mites won 1st place at the Ice House in a sweep and closed the final game with a shutout score of 5-0 over the NJ Colonials. The Capitals also did very well in the skills competition at the Ice House winning 5 of the 6 competitions. Great job everyone.
Weather Alert! In the case of bad weather, unless the Palisades Mall closes down, all scheduled ice slots will take place. If you choose not to drive please remember to notify your coach.
NorthAxis Athlete Management:
NorthAxis is a hockey consulting and management company designed to help student athletes and their families with the recruiting process. Additional information can be obtained by visiting the website at NorthAxis.com or by contacting Matt Swain by email. Be sure to mention Mickey Carroll and the Clarkstown Capitals when calling.
Mighty Mites make their debut. What a game! You can see the pictures over at the "Mighty Mite" team site. These kids played great.
The "tricky-tray" fundraiser was a big success: Thanks to everyone involved, volunteers and bidders alike, we raised more than $13,000 for 5 different teams this year. You can see some pictures of the event here.
USA Hockey "Standard of Play" video: Everyone should take a look at this. It may clear some things up for parents and players alike.
Tommy Gross of Pro Scout Hockey and Menace Hockey has created a custom CCHC hockey stick with the team colors and logo. If your interested check out the order form. Or visit Menace Hockey.
First annual CCHC College Scholarship winner announced. Congratulations to Brian Loftus, CCHC wishes you great success in your freshman year. Click here to read Brians' winning essay.
2007 Pro Scout Holiday Camp: Sign up form here.
To All Clarkstown Capitals Families: I want to thank everyone that skated with Pro Scout Hockey over the summer. The kids were great. We are coming back!
We have secured the ice for a 3 day mini-camp December 26th - 28th. Enrollment is limited and our mini-camps always sell out. Since this year we are holding it out of the Palisades Ice Center, registration right now is open only to CCHC players. After October 10th, any remaining spots will then be offered to our other lists. This camp is for skaters and goalies alike (goalie instructors will be present).
The camp will skate Wednesday, December 26th to Friday, December 28th, from 7:30 - 9:20 AM. The cost is $195 for the three days. We typically do not take walk-on's as the camp always fills up. To reserve your position, simply reply to this email with the player's name and date of birth. Then print the attached PDF registration form and mail it, along with payment, to the PSH offices prior to October 10th. Thank you it's going to be a great skate!
Thomas Gross, Director
Pro Scout Hockey
CCHC apparel order form: If you want to order any CCHC apparel please fill this form out and return it to Aileen Carroll by Wed. Oct. 17th.
CCHC 2007/08 try-outs are finished. Click here for open roster positions. If you are interested in an open position call the "Hockey Hotline" number below and leave your information on the voicemail.
CCHC annual organization meeting Wednesday Sep. 5th. Two session format! Mighty Mite thru PeeWee at 6:00PM and Bantam thru Midget at 7:30PM. Make the evening run smooth by bringing your completed paperwork to the meeting instead of filling it all out at the event. You will need to get the following forms from the "Forms and Downloads" section of this site: Code of Conduct (USA & CCHC both), Consent to treat..., Waiver of Liability and the CCHC Release. Your managers will also need a copy of your players birth certificates.
CCHC is proud to announce former Capital and Toronto Rattlers (Junior A) goalie, Chris McKessy as "Goalie Coach" for all CCHC goalies. Thanks Chris. Good luck and welcome back to the Caps.
Pro Scout Hockey extends a special invitation to CCHC for upcoming "Palisades Center Havoc Clinic". Details can be found at the Pro Scout Hockey website.
Everyone- I can't speak more supportive and positively of Tommy's clinics and hockey knowledge. Brendan and Connor and a number of other Capitals have been going to his clinics and camps (and lessons) and Selects for a number of years and he has had a great impact on all who attend them. I would like to highly encourage all who are in town and can make these to sign up to them; especially those who were not able to do the Capitals Coach's Clinics here in the Spring. It will be a great prep for the start of the season!!!
Coach Kevin
Congratulations to the Midget Majors for taking second at the Skate Zone Labor Day Tournament 2007. Details on the MM site.
CCHC sends 4 teams to NYSAHA Championships. For the second season in a row, CCHC is sending 4 teams to the NYSAHA state championship tournaments. This season the Squirt, Bantam and both Midget U16 and U18 will be representing the organization. Congratulations to the players and coaches for such a successful season. Good luck and bring home the hardware.
Congratulations Midget "U18". CCHC Midget U18 take 2nd place overall at the NYSAHA Tier III State Championships.
Congratulations Midget "U16". CCHC Midget U16 take 2nd place overall at the NYSAHA Tier III State Championships.
Congratulations Bantam "A". (full story) CCHC Bantam A make the final 4 at the NYSAHA Tier III State Championships.
Congratulations Squirt "A". (full story) CCHC Squirt A take 2nd place at the NYSAHA Tier III State Championships.
Spring coaches clinics announced. ***UPDATED*** (flyer) Don't miss out on the spring clinics! See the "flyer" link for details.
CCHC Board of Directors to grant 1st college scholarship. (application) A scholarship may be granted to a graduating player who is attending college this coming fall. See the application for details.
CanAm Tournament Report (full report)
Message from the Linguanti Family (click here)